Selasa, 15 Mei 2018

BAHASA INGGRIS: UNIT 11 (Semester 2)

Text Box: Kelompok 11:
1.	Risma Nur Izzati	(17205153002)
2.	Lina Jinatul Falah	(17205153015)
3.	Laily Nursa’adah	(17205153019)



While everyone agress that teacher need to love children, love alone is not enough. To earn the coveted little of teacher, one must posses very special qualities, abilities, attitudes and skills. A teacher is a highly respected member of society who has a fine command of language and a through knowledge of this subject. Good teacher find their work deeply rewarding. Their own enthusiasm for learning carries over to others. In addition, they are willing to spend many hours at home planning their lesson and correcting papers. They are well-organized people too. They know how to handle classroom routines and they accept a certain amount of clerical work as part of the job. Above all, they know how to get along with others, including their supervisor and the rest of the faculty.
Setiap orang setuju bahwa seorang guru perlu mencintai anak-anak, mencintai diri sendiri tidak cukup. Sebagian guru mengharapkan untuk mendapatkan gaji, salah satunya harus memiliki kualitas yang istimewa, kemampuan, sikap dan keterampilan. Seorang guru adalah anggota yang memiliki kehormatan yang tinggi dalam masyarakat yang mempunyai kemampuan yang baik dalam berbahasa dan ilmu pengetahuan dalam pengajarannya. Guru yang baik dalam pekerjaannya akan mendapatkan penghargaan. Mereka sewajarnya bergairah untuk peduli mengajar dengan orang lain. Selain itu, mereka bersedia untuk menghabiskan waktu di rumah untuk merencanakan pembelajaran mereka dan mengoreksi tugas. Mereka juga orang yang baik dalam berorganisasi. Mereka tahu bagaimana untuk menanggani kebiasaan sehari-hari di kelas dan mereka menerima beberapa pekerjaan administrasi sebagai bagian dari pekerjaannya. Disamping semua itu, mereka tahu bagaimana memperoleh kebersamaan dengan yang lain, termasuk pengawas mereka dan istirahat dari fakultas.
Good mental and physical health are important too. A teacher must have energy and stamina because it is not easy to keep a group of youngsters interested and controlled almost 200 days a year. Teachers also must be concerned with their appearance, for they are the models that their students emulate. Finally, a teacher must be willing to serve others.
Mental yang baik dan fisik yang sehat itu penting juga. Seorang guru harus mempunyai energi dan kekuatan. Karena itu tidak mudah menjaga kelompok muda yang berpendidikan dan mengontrol hampir 200 hari dalam satu tahun. Guru juga harus menaruh perhatian pada penampilannya, bagi mereka itu merupakan teladan yang lebih bagi muridnya. Yang terakhir, seorang guru harus bersedia melayani orang lain.

Find the part of speech and the meaning of following words, and construct them into good sentences.
1.        Coveted                           Verb                            Mendambakan
Lutvi coveted a figure of a husband in her life
2.        Posses                               Verb                            Memiliki
My Father posses a dream to do pilgrimage to Mecca
3.        Reward                            Noun                           Hadiah
The Racer “Rio Harianto” get a reward from the precident of Indonesia
4.        Handle                             Verb                            Menangani
He can handle every problems which happened
5.        Routines                           Noun                           Rutinitas
Fast on ramadhan mounth, already becomed routines of islamic community every year
6.        Clerical                             Adjective                    Pekerjaan Administrasi
“Letter” is a part of clerical in all institutions
7.        Get along                         Verb                            Memanjangkan
People can get along their ages with laugh
8.        Youngsters                       Noun                           Para Pemuda
Bung Tomo’s oration can stir up youngsters’ morale in Surabaya
9.        Concern                            Noun                           Perhatian
That Boy need more concern from their parents
10.    Emulate                            Verb                            Menyamai/Meniru
Child will emulate their parent’s appearance

Comprehension question
1.        Answer the following question based on the passage above
1.        What kind of person is a teacher in his society?
A teacher is a highly respected member in his society who has a fine command of language and a through knowledge of his subject.
2.        What do teachers need to have beside love?
To have beside love, Teachers need very special qualities, abilities, attitudes, and skill to have beside love.
3.        What do teachers usually do at home?
Teachers usually planning their lesson and correcting papers at home.
4.        Do teachers also have to work like clerks? Mention a sentence from the text to support your answer?
Yes, they do. The sentence of the text is “They know how to handle classroom routines, and they accept a certain amount of clerical works a part of the job”.
5.        What must a teacher do with his supervisors and the rest of the faculty?
As a supervisors and the rest of the faculty, a teacher  must know how to get along with others.
6.        Why must a teacher have energy and stamina?
Because, it is not easy to keep a group of youngster interested and controlled almost 200 day a year.
7.        Why do they have to appear well?
Because, they are the models that theirs students emulate.
8.        Who do students usually emulate?
Their teacher, namely from their appearance and their behaviour.

2.        Choose the correct answer based on the text above
1.        Beside love, they must posses……
a)        General qualities
b)        Unwanted qualities
c)        Specific qualities
d)       A title
2.        A good teacher must also have…….
a)        Enthusiasm for learning a foreign language
b)        Enthusiasm for learning
c)        Enthusiasm for learning bout teachers
d)       Enthusiasm for learning a language
3.        Teachers……..planning their lesson.
a)        May spend many hours at school
b)        Must spend many hours at home
c)        Must spend many hours in the classroom
d)       Need to spend many hours in the office
4.        Teacher sometimes have to work like………..
a)        Supervisor
b)        Other people
c)        Clerk
d)       The rest of the faculty
5.        Teachers must have physical health too because…..
a)        They have energy and stamina
b)        They have to be models to their students
c)        They have to interest and control young people
d)       They have to teach the students
6.        Because they are the models that their students emulate they must….
a)        Be willing to serve others
b)        Have good appearance
c)        Appear in front of their students
d)       Serve the student

3.        Vocabulary Exercise
Fill the blank with suitable words below
1.        The deadline for turning in this assignment is next Monday.
2.        Some teachers require their students to do a lot of homework.
3.        Most students take three or four classes each semester.
4.        If you can’t pay the tuition,you will have to borrow some money.
5.        You have to study the beginning levels first before you take an advanced level course.
6.        I learned a lot in that class because the instructor explain everything so clearly.
7.        If you are absent from class too many times, you will fail.
8.        To sign up for a class, fill out the registration from at the back of the class catalog.
9.        This school has a good schedule for working people because many classes are offered in the evenings and on weekends.
10.    If you don’t miss any classes, you will get a certificate for perfect attendance.
11.    Ask the teacher for permission to leave class early.
12.    Some teachers let students turn in their assignments late, but others never accept late work.
13.    If a student doesn’t understand the class work, he should ask the teacher individual for help.
14.    This course costs $ 500, and you must make your payment before the first day of class.
15.    If you don’t submit the assignment on time, you will get a lower grade.

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