Selasa, 15 Mei 2018


Kelompok 2
Anggota kelompok :
  1. Layli Binti Mahmudah                     (17205153030)
  2. Kusna Desita Sari                             (17205153033)
  3. Rahma Trimukti Mahanani             (17205153043)

The Oldest and Largest Profession: Teaching
Profesi Tertua dan Terbesar: Mengajar
            Every one of us is a teacher in one way or other in everyday life. We all teach and we all learn throughout our lives. A great many relationships in ordinary life depend on teaching and learning: parents and children, husband and wife, managers and employees, and so on. However, in real-life school, it is not always easy to become a teacher. First of all, there are some people who should never take the charge of a classroom, and there are others who seem to be perfect for the work. “Born Teachers” we call them.
            Setiap orang dari kita adalah seorang guru dalam satu jalan atau yang lain di kehidupan sehari-hari. Kita semua mengajar dan kita semua belajar sepanjang hidup kita. Banyak hubungan besar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tergantung pada belajar dan mengajar: orang tua dan anak, suami dan istri, manajer dan karyawan, dan masih banyak lagi. Bagaimanapun, dalam kehidupan nyata sekolah, itu tidak selalu mudah untuk menjadi seorang guru. Pertama-tama, mereka adalah beberapa orang yang seharusnya tidak pernah mengambil alih kelas, dan ada orang lain yang tampaknya menjadi sempurna untuk pekerjaan itu. “Kelahiran guru” kami menyebutnya.
            The task of teachers is central to educations. Teachers must transmit to new generations the cultural heritage of a society – the knowledge, skills, customs, and attitudes acquired over the years. They must also try to develop in their students the ability to adjust to a rapidly changing world.
            Tugas guru berpusat pada pendidikan. Guru harus mengirim generasi baru warisan budaya masyarakat – pengetahuan, kemampuan, adat , dan sikap yang diperoleh selama bertahun-tahun. Mereka juga mencoba untuk mengembangkan pada siswa mereka kemampuan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan dunia yang cepat berubah.
            The task of teachers has increased in complexity. They are many more students enrolled and they present a broader range of ability, background and interests. Beside, school and university curriculum have become increasingly specialized. This places new demands upon the competency of teachers. They often need intensive preparation in a subject field.
            Tugas guru telah meningkat dalam kompleksitas. Ada banyak siswa yang terdaftar dan mereka hadir dengan kemampuan lebih luas, latar belakang dan kepentingan. Selain itu, sekolah dan kurikulum universitas menjadi semakin khusus. Ini menempatkan tuntutan baru pada kompetensi guru. Mereka sering membutuhkan persiapan yang intensif dalam bidang subjek.
            Teachers are also “instrument of society”. They are responsible to the community. Their contracts with the community usually extend to the parents of their student and to the neighbourhood of the town. In the deprived areas, student may lack good food, clothing, shelter and the incentive to learn. The successful teachers find ways to build the self image of such students so that they can develop in themselves a strong interest in learning.
            Guru juga instrumen masyarakat. Mereka bertanggung jawab pada masyarakat. Hubungan mereka dengan masyarakat biasanya meluas ke orang tua siswa dalam lingkungan kota. Di daerah yang kekurangan (miskin), siswa mungkin kurang baik dalam hal makanan, pakaian, tempat tinggal dan dorongan untuk belajar. Guru-guru yang berhasil, menemukan cara untuk membangun citra diri siswa tersebut, sehingga mereka dapat mengembangkan dalam diri mereka minat belajar yang kuat.
1.    Comprehension Exercise
Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the passage!
a.    Is teaching at school more difficult than teaching in every day life?
Yes, it is.
b.    Are there “born teacher”?
“Born Teachers” are some people who seem to be perfect for the work.
c.    What are the tasks of teachers?
The tasks of teachers are central to education, its mean teachers must transmit to new generations the cultural heritage of a society. Teachers has increased in complexity. And teachers also “”instrument of society”.
d.   Give the reasons why the task of teachers has become more complex?
Because there are many more students enrolled and they present a broader range of ability, backgrounds and interests. Besides, school and university curriculum have become increasingly specialized. This place new demands upon the competency of teachers. They often need intensive preparation in a subject field.
e.    Are teachers responsible to the community? Why?
Yes, they are. Because their contacts with the community usually extend to the parents of their students and to the neighbourhood of the town. In the deprived areas, student may lack good food, clothing, shelter and the incentive to learn.

Before each of the following statements, write “T” for true, “F” for false, and “NC” for not clear according to the passage.
T                      a. Every one has taught at a school in one way or other
T                      b. The job of teacher has become more and more difficult.
NC                  c. teachers must adapt themselves to the changing world.
F                      d. children in poor surrounding have less interest in learning.
F                      e. All teachers are “born teachers.”
NC                  f. Teachers should only deal with students at school.
F                      g. Education is more important than food and shelter.
T                      h. The hardest work of teacher is motivating his students.
2. Vocabulary Exercise
  1. The items in column B are illustration or example of the concept or ideas in column A. Match the illustration/ example with the concept/ idea.
1.    Cultural heritage
2.    Lack
3.    Deprived
4.    Enrolled
5.    Shelter
a.    Neighbours who respect and help each other
b.    Borobudur, Prambanan
c.    There are 45 students, but there are only 40 chairs in the classroom
d.   Some one tries to become a new member of a school.
e.    State of not having the normal benefits of adequate food.

  1. Find the part of speech and the meaning of the following words, and then construct them in good sentences.
a)      Ordinary                Ordinary                      Ordinary                      Ordinarily                    Biasa
As practitioners each and every one of us should strive to be ordinary, if not extraordinary heroes.
b)      Employee              Employ            Employable                 Employably                 Karyawan
Although you are smart, I will not hise you as my employee.
c)      Charge       Charge             Charge             Chargely          Biaya
Dony is transfer charge of the accounting departement.
d)     Transmit                Transmit                      Tansmit                       Transmitly             Mengirimkan
The detector then transmits the image to the computer.
e)      Acquire                 Acquire                       Acquire                       Acquirely                    Memperoleh
They seem to be able to acquire very quickly.
f)       Intensive               Intensive                     Intensive                     Intensively                  Intensif
The medical patient serviced with the intensive care.
g)      Contact                 Contact           Contact           Contactly        Menghubungi
She was contact her family but no answere.
h)      Extend                  Extend            Extend            Extendly         Memperpanjang
I’m going to show you a little bit of that long extended process.
i)        Interest                  Interest                        Interested                    Interestly                     Perhatian
We are losing interest in the past more rapidly.
j)        Community           Community                 Community                 Communitily               Masyarakat
We are here, we are part of a community, sharing out ideas and discussing them.
k)      Demand                Demand          Demand          Demandly       Permintaan
I demand that he leave from that place.
l)        Neighbourhood                 Sekitar
It might just be coming to a neighbourhood near you soon.
m)    Range        Range              Range              Rangely           Jarak
The police also use three lacer range finders.
n)      Lack          Lack                Lack                Lackly
She got the worst score of the lack of preparation.
o)      However               Bagaimanapun
However rich they may be, it still isn’t enough for them.

  1. Fill in the box below with the correct part of speech of the following words.

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